BREAKING NEWS: Turkey Military Launch Attempted Coup

A group within Turkey's military has just launched an attempted coup to  overthrow the nation's government according to prime minister, Binali Yildirim.

"We are focusing on the possibility of an attempt coup, There was an illegal act by a group within the military that was acting out of the chain of military command. Our people should know that we will not allow any activity that would harm democracy."  he told NTV by telephone.

Military jets were seen flying over the capital ie. Ankara. Media reports said some vehicles are blocking two major bridges in Istanbul with ambulances all over the military headquarters. Gunshots have reportedly been heard near the presidential palace in Ankara.

The PM has refused to address the incidents as coup. He has assured his citizens that those responsible for what he calls an attempted military coup will pay the highest price.

All flights to Ankara and Istanbul have been cancelled. 




Military says it has taken over government. President urges people to go to the streets - to fight for democracy. Gunfires heard in the streets.


The attempted military coup has apparently failed. A group within the Turkish military wanted to overthrow the president because they felt he was undermining the country's secular traditions. Media reports suggests that almost 200 people lost their lives. PM says death penalty awaits plotters.

BREAKING NEWS: Turkey Military Launch Attempted Coup BREAKING NEWS: Turkey Military Launch Attempted Coup Reviewed by Admin on July 15, 2016 Rating: 5

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